Getting together with family and friends is full of fun and fellowship! Being prepared for this holiday season will help your family stay healthier. Stress, holiday goodies, and comfort food can be taxing on one’s immune system during the busy season.
A couple of my favorite Young Living products are Thieves and Peace & Calming. Inhaling either of these oils or rubbing them on the bottoms of your feet at bedtime can be beneficial, and will keep your family’s immune system strong this holiday season. Thieves is great at supporting the respiratory system as well! You may apply it topically or put a drop on your hands, rub them together to distribute the oil, then inhale.
Young Living’s Thieves line of products has essential oils known for their immune system boosting benefits: clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, rosemary, and “the 13 Thieves.” Thieves is a popular blend that has been used for centuries to help keep immune systems strong.
Young Living’s Peace & Calming line of products can be applied topically or inhaled. Ingredients include Roman Chamomile, Vanilla Oleoresin (extracted from vanilla beans), Clary Sage, German Chamomile, and Ylang-Ylang. This blend can promote a sense of well-being for all age groups. It supports and restores balance to the nervous system after a day of shopping for gifts and meal preparation. Relaxation and a good night’s rest is important for both parents and children.
I recommend being proactive, especially during holiday seasons and gatherings. I learned to take responsibility for my own health several years ago. Using wisdom when feeling “puny” or not feeling up to par is important. It’s sometimes best to reschedule dinners and gatherings rather than risk affecting someone or being affected.
Thieves, Peace and Calming as well as other Young Living Essential OIls can be ingested in water, hot tea or in capsules. For specific use, contact one of our Young Living Brand Members. Please use caution for people with current medical issues. Lavender is also a soothing and relaxing choice for bedtime. These products can be ordered wholesale from Young Living, click here to find out how to order today! These products can be ordered wholesale from Young Living, click here to find out how to order today!