16 Feb To God Be the Glory
January was a great month to slow down and reflect on what is really important in life. One vital area is health and wellness. January 16, 2024 marked my 20 year anniversary and the beginning of my journey to regain my health. I spent some time reflecting on “Thankfulness” and just now posting my thoughts. After a 6-day stay in the hospital, I received no clear diagnosis except a “rare viral infection.” When inquiries were made as to my symptoms, the last few hours, days or weeks would typically be important information. Who would think to give information from six months earlier? Right? However, unbeknownst to any of us, the attack on my body actually began in July, 2003, when I did some planting of flowers and shrubs that was saturated with the pesticide Diazinon. It was determined to be so deadly, it was taken off the market. It apparently traveled through my body for 6 months, before my body succumbing to the poison.
So, the above graphic and phrase “To God Be the Glory” is not just a cliché’. It became my daily motto and showing gratitude to God for speaking to me in the middle of my first night in the hospital. I heard these words at the midnight hour in my hospital room: “Hold your peace! The Lord Himself is fighting for you!” From that moment on, I had peace to know I would be okay. When I awakened the next morning- I looked the phrase up in the concordance of my Bible. (I’m sure I didn’t know what Google was at the time.) I found the scripture in Exodus 14:14. I
When discharged, I left the hospital on a catheter. The Urologist told me I’d probably would be on the catheter for at least 3 months. The Neurologist said I had suffered “irreversible nerve damage,: It was two years later and severe excruciating pain in my legs similar to “restless leg syndrome” and “neuropathy,” that I discovered Young Living Essential Oils. Next to God, I was thankful to my family and Young Living for restoring my health and by helping to detox the pesticide poisoning out of my system. Read more of my personal testimony in the About Jan section of my website.
Preference of translations change state Exodus 14:14 in different ways, but the meaning is the same!